Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sculpted Sorrow

Existence,twisted into twirling repetitions
there ain't no hate without pain
the collapsible spiral of time
a perpetual reminder
that the doors of perception open but in vain
And all those days,bleak,lifeless
left to sink,into the swamps of memories
a dull clouded sky for a tomorrow now dims
the velvet spark of the sun now betrays
these forsaken sculptures of sorrow
and the angel now stand with a rose in her hands
a perpetual reminder of hope
the rain has washed away her once artistic face
the rusted chisel rendered useless
the rose now stained with the blood of ignorance
and withers away in the winds of the fall
A sweet melody whispers,the assurance of what is to come?
the gust of wind deafening,throws open the cemetery gates
You are alive now,you will feel all the pain
these sculptures sacred,but you're still profane

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hate Eternal

I am often made to realise that I don't fit in certain places,socially. I'm reminded in some way that I'm way out of the normal league of people,and quite often made to feel like an outsider in situations. Here are the things about society in general that I wanna say-
->I think people generally see things the way they're taught to see,and it is very few people that see things in a different perspective. This doesn't mean that people are deluded,its just that everyone sees things the same way,as they're told and 'cause of this there's little scope for improvement
->I think more people waste more and more of their lives imposing rules and restrictions on others and following a million themselves,than actually living their lives and making it seem meaningful. Its fucking annoying when you're having fun at a gathering and suddenly someone makes you realise that you've crossed a line you weren't supposed to. There might be a million clever sayings about following rules,but at the end of the day,they're just made by people for people.
->I always wondered why there should be a certain way of doing things,why must there exist a code or discipline for every god damn thing in life,why can't we let some things just pass? This is fine when you have no clue what you have to do or when you think you need to be shown the way,but for EVERYTHING you do in daily life!!
->I have always had hatred for the law,and the way society sees it,and how the law alone holds the power to destroy lives. I've watched a lot of Prison Break in my life and that fucking show taught me the way in which the law actually works,and how it can (and more often than not is) used to ruin lives. An innocent man is falsely accused and comes 1 inch close to being killed by an electric chair,and that is the LAW? I'm not against the concept or existence of law,I'm just against the way it works and the way society sees it and how they fail to understand that so called "justice" is dead.
->Social norms and law go hand in hand really. A couple seen kissing in the park is not only viewed as ridiculous,but also unlawful,WTF? And now Homosexuality being legalised is making front page news? If only people would stop setting standards and expecting others to live upto them,and if only the fucking law didn't make it its job to make sure people live up to these standards,if only people led interesting lives!!
->My opinion is that people are generally very bored,which is why they make work/academics their lives,because their life is too boring for them. And this is why the whole setting standards and expectations come in. I've seen people who go through school,college leading the most bored life and always doing what they're told,and one fine day they ocme out with some material world pleasures and say "I'm successful" WHAT THE FUCK man?? And now they'd expect others to do the same as well,because it got them what they think they've always wanted,material world pleasures(financial security in other worldly words) and a so called balanced stable life. This shit is passed on to they're kids who have aspirations of their own only to be crumbled in this pathetic void of materialistic existence.
->I have noticed one thing,a college which teaches cultural studies as a main subject,is always the place where there are numerous debates based on culture! I'm not a Cultural Studies student,but as far as I know,it teaches that culture is not stagnant and it keeps changing with time and place. If this be the case then why is there so much stress on clothing,which attributes to preservation of culture,that within the college itself??
"This is the college dress code,this is what everyone must follow,because "western wear" is not our,now excuse me,I have Cultural Studies to teach" :|
->I'm not gonna talk about religion because its not worth my time,especially Hindusim which I find very hypocritic. I do believe in God,and I know I'm never meant to understand God,and i really despise all the morons who try and keep trying to define God in human terms! Get a life assholes! God didn't create you so that you could define Him !
->I also despise all the idiots who call themselves scientists,the subject though beautiful creates atheists,gives you materialistic proof that everything it teaches is real,because humans wont buy it otherwise,and gives you a god damn formula as to how light came into existence? A fucking FORMULA?!?!?! And now they say God doesn't exist and also have somehow proved that life came into existence by ACCIDENT! Some cosmic weird process in outer space gave rise to life? By accident? Seriously? The beauty of creation,the beauty of life,the billions of life forms on beautiful all were born by accident? And they say evolution caused it? I have even heard people say that its just nature that brought life,I would love to know What the Fuck you call nature!
->And I do hate the media,its just an exquisite brainwashing mechanism. It changes every one's perceptions and every now and then. You see what the media tells you,it puts things in your head,you don't realise it,you just accept it,and then you make fun of your really fat friend,and you ask him to to go to the gym because fat is unhealthy and also deemed unattractive! Ad its because of this I hate the whole concept of fashion too,its just so pathetic! People on TV telling you what to wear because they think it looks stylish?? Don't they realise that every one have their own unique taste? And people actually follow it,because now they think its stylish too. Any civilised person on earth would know how to dress,and doesn't need a TV show to be told the dos and don'ts,like i said earlier,the imposing of rules and restrictions,hols good here too,and every other sphere of life!
This is just insane,its outrageous,and I can't believe I am called RETARDED! I say in a crazy world,a lunatic is sane,this world is fucked up man,and the worst part we can't change it,so Fuck it.