Thursday, November 19, 2009

101 Rules of Exreme Metal

01. You must listen to (and name) at least 100 metal bands (power metal not included) before you are extreme.
02. Hair must be shoulder length, longer, or completely shaved off.
03. Drummers must weigh either under 60kg, or over 140kg - No in betweens.
04. Band logos must be totally undecipherable.
05. Song tempos are only allowed to register under 40bpm (extreme), or over 240bpm (extreme).
06. Thank-you list must comprise of every extreme metal band in existence (even if you have never met the band or heard their music).
07. The police picture of your ex-vocalist’s suicide must be used for the next album cover.
08. Drummer must be limited to blast beats and grind beats (even at 40bpm)
09. Profess the glory of Satan, especially if you are an atheist.
10. Sing about ancient cultures, and invent your own language to sing in.
11. Develop cancer or a tumor of some type.
12. Refer to 1
13. Wear every manner of injury inflicting clothing - manacles, bullet belts, spiky shin pads etc.
14. Sing about the dark lord and/or gore on your first album, and then onto politics and life on all proceeding albums, apparently you 'have matured'.
15. Wear black. Always.
16. Drive a funeral car as transportation for the band.
17. Release an album, then a year later, re-release it with a bonus track just to make people buy the album again.
18. Record twice as many songs as you plan to release, then ten year's later release the album as a collector's item.
19. Record a whole bunch of new songs, add a high frequency hiss, and cut the low frequencies, then release it as 'pre-band demo recordings'
20. Guitars must be shaped so that they may be used as a grievous weapon.
21. Never ever have the same band line up for any album or tour.
22. Feud with the band members that move on to other bands (good publicity).
23. Pretend that you 'hail from Norway'.
24. Do as many side projects that are humanly possible in your extreme time budget. One band, at least, must feature a female singer (your wife, cause no one else is extreme enough).
25. Albums should either be less than thirty minutes, or exactly sixty six minutes and six seconds.
26. In summer, black clothing can be hand torn into singlets and shorts to deal with heat (NEVER use scissors)
27. Have a royal throne for a toilet seat/table seat/car seat etc.
28. Marry a girl with so many piercings, she has more metal in her than a Massey Fergusson tractor – and can never get through a metal detector at the airport.
29. Have 52 metal t-shirts - one for each week of the year.
30. Play only Jackson and/or B.C.Rich guitars.
31. The first letter of every album titles must start at A, and then progress through the alphabet. (Altars of Madness, Blessed Are the Sick, Covenant...)
32. Become a 'specialist producer' of extreme metal, and build your very own studio in the heart of the Norwegian forest (helps with Forest Metal).
33. Forest metal is running round a dark forest, with a $10 Casio Keyboard, and a $5 microphone, records your new 'extreme atmospheric project'
34. Sing about serial killers only after you've met one and formed a relationship with them.
35. Never play in key. Chromaticism is the only way.
36. Let keyboard players 'jump' from band to band (it’s the only jumping they're allowed to do).
37. Claim to have burnt down a church and gone to jail for it (even if you really haven't).
38. Say the word 'EXTREME' and cross your arms in a X shape when you shout it, as often as possible
39. Play the bass without a plectrum.
40. Play drums barefoot, or in white socks if feeling especially extreme.
41. Call everyone 'Sons of Satan' even if you are addressing a female.
42. Be involved in the porn industry in any way possible, preferably as an actor called 'Penetrator' or 'Frosty-Spire'
43. Play only Axis bass drum pedals.
44. Take speed to be the fastest band on earth.
45. Smoke weed to be the slowest band on earth.
46. Guitars must be tuned lower than Ab before they are considered extreme.
47. Guitar solos must not sound anything like Yngwie Malmsteen or blues – solos must be so fast that fingers bleed.
48. Resurrect ****ty black metal bands, call yourself 'cult' and then release albums with the ****tiest possible production (by referring to rule 33).
49. Television viewing media is restricted to 'The Simpsons' and 'Homicide'.
50. List 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' as your all time favourite movie, only after 'Debbie Does Dallas'.
51. Tour every country possible, but NEVER EVER New Zealand.
52. Support established extreme metal acts, become famous, and even bigger than these acts, then never have anything to do with them again.
53. Drummers: 3 bars of blast beats followed by 1 bar of drum fill. Repeat. Do not deviate from this pattern, failure to follow these instructions may make you less extreme.
54. Marshall amps suck - Mesa Boogie amps rule.
55. Never use your real name, claim your extreme parents gave you the name ‘Persecuter’ at birth.
56. Call your band 'The Next Generation in Extreme Metal' (don't forget to cross your arms) even if you sound like you came straight from the 80's.
57. Make sure your band name is the same as another band's name in the other hemisphere.
58. Cite Darkthrone as a major influence (even if you have never heard them).
59. Have even more disturbing album artwork than the last 'yesterday' extreme band. Hire a professional uber-gore-meister-artist (primarily yourself - don't forget to change your name).
60. (a) Murder a person in another band to elevate you to extreme infamousness - publicity helps.
60. (b) Then write the rest of your albums from jail
61. Say that you've recorded at Morrisound Studios, Florida, USA, with Scott Burns as producer.
62. Organise tours with at least 9 bands on the bill - $6.66 tickets.
63. Have competitions on stage to see which of the nine bands can play the fastest.
64. Always have two (or more) bass drums.
65. Head bang until you get told by the doctor that those headaches indicate the possibility of serious brain damage. Carry on headbanging anyway because it is extreme.
66. When singing live, always do 'vocal bails' - do a low growl, because you know that when you go pussy high, you are going to fail it miserably.
67. Refer to 1.
68. Tell everyone that you are going to write all album material by yourself because the music and lyrics are headed in the wrong direction.
69. Join your wife's band.
70. Record an extreme metal video in ONLY ONE (1) of FOUR (4) possibly locations i) A Church, ii) A Graveyard, iii) A Forest, iv) A Castle.
71. If rule 70 ends up being too extensive, paint your band practice room black (it should be already, unless you are un-extreme), wear all black, and have different coloured instruments, so that viewers can only make out them, and your faces (which are white).
72. Bite a dove's head off (or substitute for any form of fowl).
73. All band photos must involve you holding a gun or axe.
74. All band photos must feature naked women looking like your loyal slaves.
75. Get rid of your drummer because he is too slow - get a drum machine instead.
76. Sing in as many different bands as you can possibly whore yourself too, and be totally un-committed to any of them. Unreliable as f@ck = extreme.
77. Record a Slayer cover.
78. After a band 'calls it a day', attempt to contact Rob Halford to start a new band.
79. Or alternatively, Phil Anselmo to resurrect a dead band.
80. Rip off as many samples from horror movies as possible to use in your extreme album. Copyright is for pussies.
81. Triggered drums are the only way to go, even if your snare sounds like a 6" tom.
82. Experience a heroin overdose, live through it, and say that you had to come back because Satan told you that you must piss more people off.
83. Say that you are a Satanist and that you only listen to black metal.
84. Say 'Morbid Angel is the best f@cking death metal band in the world".
85. A toilet is the best place to keep beer and alcohol chilled.
86. Kill your offspring if they become house/trance DJ's.
87. Admit you used to air guitar to KISS and that Gene Simmons is your God.
88. Listen and air drum to Motley Crue's 'Dr. FeelGood' album (yes its ok to do that).
89. Splatter as much fake blood on stage and your audience as stated in the rules of accordance in hiring your venue.
90. Wait, rules are for pussies.
91. Try to get your long hair stuck in as many people's mouths as possible in the audience.
92. Sing so brutal and low, so that people, who even know your lyrics, can't sing along, thus sound pussy in comparison to you. Exert your Extreme Dominance.
93 Recording a jam session in a blizzard on the snowy slopes of Norway is part of the pre-production for your new album.
94. Destroy as many hotel rooms as possible while on tour.
95. Beware of power metal album covers that look like black metal album covers - deception can be brutal.
96. Your middle name must be that of a weapon, succeeded by the word 'The'. eg. "John 'The Missile/Axe/Torpedo' Smith".
97. Wearing leather pants means they must be tight enough to show a **** print.
98. Corpse paint is compulsory when meeting the in-laws.
99. Lay down the smack on all people not as extreme as you, exert your dominance extremely.
100. Work/Live by a steel factory and claim that 'metal has been in my blood from a young age'.
101. The most important rule of extreme metal: “In order to create art of the most truest form, one must live it.” Kill yourself and die, and only then can you write and perform the most extreme of extreme metal possible.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Blood flows in venomous veins
In a plagued viscera,towards a nubile heart
Begging to be regurgitated
A violated mass tissues,fragmented,eviscerated
Now lies in front of the blood thirsty creature
Waiting,to relish the vital remains
Of this relentless savage butchery
The victim,a puzzle of pain
lying in the horrorscope of sickness
A lifeless spawn of mutiny
Quickly perishing into the dark unknown after-life
A carcass of decaying ecstasy
Rotting in itself,collapsing into cadeverous infinity
Annihilated anatomy
The sole representation of mankind's frail bloodline
A dim lit future for a blood thirsty race
Existing in timeless pulsation
Akin with death,akin with the after-life

This song is dedicated to Witold Kieltyka "Vitek",the drummer of the legendary death metal band Decapitated. He was killed in a bus accident on November 2nd,2007,and today is his 2nd death anniversary :'(
R.I.P Vitek,we miss you,you will always be remembered.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Immortal Disdain

The more I look around to see
The more I'm convinced here isn't where I should be
Governed by laws that bind us all
Irrational media that blinds us all

Every time I stop to stare
A faint image floats in the air
The image of a sub-ordinary race
The image of a leader asking for a pay raise

The battles that we choose to fight
The things we impose unto others as right
A glorious past that we've left behind
Dissipates as steam,left us all blind

The lies that feed our judgements
The rights and wrongs that make us who we're not
The blind who lead the blind in the same old maze
The philosopher who knows nothing counting days

The extortionists who make us ill
The material world makes us happier still
Superficial beings that should be killed
Genetically reconstructed to fit the bill

Every day I look around in disdain
I digest the facts about mankind's pain
Pain is immortal,so is hate
Can't fight destiny,can't fight fate.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Collapsed Morality

The more I look around,the more I realise how much morality is lacking in all of us. And no,I'm not talking about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I'm talking about morality collapsing in everyday life,and in each of our lives,amongst the people we know. I don't see justice being done to anything. Again,justice not in terms of the (god damn) law,but in everyday terms. People don't do justice to the things they do,to the people they know,to the people they meet,et al. Maybe the stereotypes have a lot to do with it,but nevertheless,its really not hard to be moral,in some remote way at least.
A guy decides he wants to write a love song for the girl he loves,but rips off a lot of lines from famous artists,only to appeal to her taste and sound better,that isn't doing justice to what you do,that is not doing justice to the girl as well,cause he's not really portraying what he feels,he's just saying what's already been said in quite a fantastic way.
A lot of morality takes the back seat in social situations. There is so much apathy in all of us,little do they know that breeds betrayal. You meet someone through a good friend,you get along really well. You make plans with person,little do you think of including the friend who introduced you two to each other? You make plans for a b'day party in a group,do you think twice about excluding someone from the group while inviting people?? Do you call the person who's helped you in times of need when you actually wanna hang out? Or do you just call them when you need something again? This is everyday life! Now show me where morality is!!
Whether or not you do justice to yourself,you could at least do justice to your actions and words,and the people concerned with them. You could at least unplug your ears every now and then and listen to something other than the lies you're fed. You could take off the blindfold and see things for real at least once a while. And not let your judgements be fed by worldly useless things. And what is it that you'd be expected to see? The world crumbling at the lack of morality. And yet you think you know everything. You know everything about nothing at all,cause you're too blind to see morality collapsing,right in front of you.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cadeverous Invigoration

Standing on massacred ground
blood rooted to the cortex flowing unsound
my vengeance still incomplete,stirring up my neurons
venom gushing through my blood like pheromones
I pick up the rusty axe from the blood drenched soil
and decided to sever the head of the one who makes my soul toil
memories of betrayal erupting,thoughts of hatred intercepting
fragile,disdainful vision of the world
inner sanctum of feelings en twirled
I,now salivate at the thought of eviscerating human flesh
ecstatic at the sight of torn tendons
the orgasmic feeling of scarred worldly skin
blisters and cysts bring back cannibalistic memories
the slayer now free,bled out the pain that was once me
putrid stench chokes my breath as I slaughter more to satisfy my carnal paranormal lust
I look down to see,gorified eye balls gaping into oblivion
maggots crawling out of integumentary sacral wounds
and when this mortal battle hath finally ended,I rest underneath black clouds of uncertainty
and let the masterful art of slaughter unfold upon creation

Written by Auri and myself
Do not imitate!


Rhythmic echo of a lonely reasoning soul
driven to be a solitary mass of endless questioning
a misery of sorts en twirled into a confused state of mind
wretched and disdainful
she is only human,maybe,perhaps
brushed off like a non existent
lifeless object alive and breathing
forsaken by the hand she once held
never to be trusted again
once bitten forever shy by a spiteful snake
facing condemnation,unbelieving
by a beauty so perfect a creation
nevertheless defended to be a once sought after guardian
a million hands to pull her up
but only two she really trusts
a blend of hatred and disbelief
blinded by a momentary lapse of reason
hiding in between spaces of unspoken words

Will she ever be able to unveil and see through
axe the chains to mortal chaotic life
erase all the delusion,erase all the pain
serenity in unconfined reality
and when a day finally dawns
when the pages are all turned
no more materialistic sensory perceptions
a life of immortal wavelengths with no conflicts
and peace of mind away useless worldly objects
is this a hopeless dream or shape of things to come?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sculpted Sorrow

Existence,twisted into twirling repetitions
there ain't no hate without pain
the collapsible spiral of time
a perpetual reminder
that the doors of perception open but in vain
And all those days,bleak,lifeless
left to sink,into the swamps of memories
a dull clouded sky for a tomorrow now dims
the velvet spark of the sun now betrays
these forsaken sculptures of sorrow
and the angel now stand with a rose in her hands
a perpetual reminder of hope
the rain has washed away her once artistic face
the rusted chisel rendered useless
the rose now stained with the blood of ignorance
and withers away in the winds of the fall
A sweet melody whispers,the assurance of what is to come?
the gust of wind deafening,throws open the cemetery gates
You are alive now,you will feel all the pain
these sculptures sacred,but you're still profane

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hate Eternal

I am often made to realise that I don't fit in certain places,socially. I'm reminded in some way that I'm way out of the normal league of people,and quite often made to feel like an outsider in situations. Here are the things about society in general that I wanna say-
->I think people generally see things the way they're taught to see,and it is very few people that see things in a different perspective. This doesn't mean that people are deluded,its just that everyone sees things the same way,as they're told and 'cause of this there's little scope for improvement
->I think more people waste more and more of their lives imposing rules and restrictions on others and following a million themselves,than actually living their lives and making it seem meaningful. Its fucking annoying when you're having fun at a gathering and suddenly someone makes you realise that you've crossed a line you weren't supposed to. There might be a million clever sayings about following rules,but at the end of the day,they're just made by people for people.
->I always wondered why there should be a certain way of doing things,why must there exist a code or discipline for every god damn thing in life,why can't we let some things just pass? This is fine when you have no clue what you have to do or when you think you need to be shown the way,but for EVERYTHING you do in daily life!!
->I have always had hatred for the law,and the way society sees it,and how the law alone holds the power to destroy lives. I've watched a lot of Prison Break in my life and that fucking show taught me the way in which the law actually works,and how it can (and more often than not is) used to ruin lives. An innocent man is falsely accused and comes 1 inch close to being killed by an electric chair,and that is the LAW? I'm not against the concept or existence of law,I'm just against the way it works and the way society sees it and how they fail to understand that so called "justice" is dead.
->Social norms and law go hand in hand really. A couple seen kissing in the park is not only viewed as ridiculous,but also unlawful,WTF? And now Homosexuality being legalised is making front page news? If only people would stop setting standards and expecting others to live upto them,and if only the fucking law didn't make it its job to make sure people live up to these standards,if only people led interesting lives!!
->My opinion is that people are generally very bored,which is why they make work/academics their lives,because their life is too boring for them. And this is why the whole setting standards and expectations come in. I've seen people who go through school,college leading the most bored life and always doing what they're told,and one fine day they ocme out with some material world pleasures and say "I'm successful" WHAT THE FUCK man?? And now they'd expect others to do the same as well,because it got them what they think they've always wanted,material world pleasures(financial security in other worldly words) and a so called balanced stable life. This shit is passed on to they're kids who have aspirations of their own only to be crumbled in this pathetic void of materialistic existence.
->I have noticed one thing,a college which teaches cultural studies as a main subject,is always the place where there are numerous debates based on culture! I'm not a Cultural Studies student,but as far as I know,it teaches that culture is not stagnant and it keeps changing with time and place. If this be the case then why is there so much stress on clothing,which attributes to preservation of culture,that within the college itself??
"This is the college dress code,this is what everyone must follow,because "western wear" is not our,now excuse me,I have Cultural Studies to teach" :|
->I'm not gonna talk about religion because its not worth my time,especially Hindusim which I find very hypocritic. I do believe in God,and I know I'm never meant to understand God,and i really despise all the morons who try and keep trying to define God in human terms! Get a life assholes! God didn't create you so that you could define Him !
->I also despise all the idiots who call themselves scientists,the subject though beautiful creates atheists,gives you materialistic proof that everything it teaches is real,because humans wont buy it otherwise,and gives you a god damn formula as to how light came into existence? A fucking FORMULA?!?!?! And now they say God doesn't exist and also have somehow proved that life came into existence by ACCIDENT! Some cosmic weird process in outer space gave rise to life? By accident? Seriously? The beauty of creation,the beauty of life,the billions of life forms on beautiful all were born by accident? And they say evolution caused it? I have even heard people say that its just nature that brought life,I would love to know What the Fuck you call nature!
->And I do hate the media,its just an exquisite brainwashing mechanism. It changes every one's perceptions and every now and then. You see what the media tells you,it puts things in your head,you don't realise it,you just accept it,and then you make fun of your really fat friend,and you ask him to to go to the gym because fat is unhealthy and also deemed unattractive! Ad its because of this I hate the whole concept of fashion too,its just so pathetic! People on TV telling you what to wear because they think it looks stylish?? Don't they realise that every one have their own unique taste? And people actually follow it,because now they think its stylish too. Any civilised person on earth would know how to dress,and doesn't need a TV show to be told the dos and don'ts,like i said earlier,the imposing of rules and restrictions,hols good here too,and every other sphere of life!
This is just insane,its outrageous,and I can't believe I am called RETARDED! I say in a crazy world,a lunatic is sane,this world is fucked up man,and the worst part we can't change it,so Fuck it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Liar in the Mirror

Cross tangent of lunacy intersecting with social bonds
a fistful of uncertainty breeding effortless animosity
since the absolution of disregard,a cluster of scars
now differentiating,into a mass of organic fatal memories
the acidic faceless,filled with doubt,ever clear
self inflicting hammer blows,so intrinsic,pessimistic
subtly protected,underneath layers of cynicism
claws of steel dig deeper,reaching for the casket of hope

Now a face,staring at me
lying,betraying,reflecting retardation
Now this face,smirking at me
inspiring,conspiring,unleashing the wrath of creation

Rusted skin deep,vivid blood stains
claustrophobic paranoia now driving me insane
volcanic rage waiting to erupt
into logistic infinite supremacy of sorts
the casket of hope thrown open
unveils the legacy of the undetermined
the re-association of pain unto earthly wounds
provokes the explosion of blood drenched arrogance

Now a face,staring at me
lying,betraying,reflecting retardation
Now this face,smirking at me
inspiring,conspiring,unleashing the wrath of creation

Hence flows the creation into venomous nubile fingers

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Black Meloncholy

Sulking in disdainful disbelief,all I have is confusion
I'm a victim of my own chaotic,insecure delusion
The absence of the sacred fills me up with emptiness
The pain and hatred,distilled into pitch black nothingness

Beneath the rotting skies,immortality it awaits
they deny me justice,give me a fucking reason to hate
a symphony of condemnation and boiled wounds
I find my neck clutched by the twisted hands of fate

I'm an anorexic headbanging disease
Xenophobic claustrophobic reckless and endangered

A maze of never ending contemplations
I walk the scarred line between probability and possibility

I'm a distorted disoriented destabilized amalgamation of mind and matter
A heart full of anger,a head full of stress
A lifetime of ambitions laid to rest
a dissaray of illusions in a fragile human form

Thoughts synchronized with restless anxiety
I embosque in the sands of sorrow
paralyzed by pain i turn around to see
I'm pursued by my blood stained shadow

A prisoner of choice with a feeling of guilt
and it wont go away 'til my dreams are fulfilled
there is only one thing on my mind
I gotta find the light in the end before i finally go blind

All I ever wanted was to be set free
I cannot withstand this black meloncholy
lies and secrets crawling all through my veins
and this fucking disdain is all that remains

Mentally disturbed,emotionally wrecked,this is my black meloncholy